When you receive a Prostate Cancer diagnosis, the first thought you think about is—will I die? (I should know. I’ve been there myself.)
Your doctor and well-meaning friends will be quick to give you stats and information they’ve found on the internet. Some of it will resonate with you, some will scare you, and…hopefully…some gives you hope.
But when you have a prostate cancer diagnosis, there’s more than just your life at stake.
Your manhood is on the line.
Or, at least, it feels that way.
You likely will have a lot of questions you might not feel comfortable asking, particularly if your wife is sitting next to you. Or you might not even think of these questions when you’re with the doctor. Questions might arise as you do your own research.
It can feel so alienating.
Unlike other cancers that have a built-in community of support, few people want to talk about prostate cancer.
That’s where we come in.
It’s hard to concentrate on healing when you have so many unanswered questions. This diagnosis can feel very traumatic because it not only challenges your health but your relationship with your significant other or dream mate as well…or at least you may worry it will.
This is not a comment on your spouse or her/his loyalty. It’s simply a concern. You know she/he loves you but how far does love go?
Depending on when in your diagnosis and recovery journey that this note reaches you, you may not be having these questions yet.
But you will.
And when you do, we are there for you.
At Living Well After Prostate Cancer, we invite survivors, family members, support community, and professionals to share stories of their triumphs through various stages of the healing journey.
Our group and the forthcoming “Living Well After Prostate Cancer Treatments. From Survivor and Thriver After Prostate Cancer Virtual Coaching Program” helps you navigate the questions and challenges of every stage of healing starting with the trauma of diagnosis through recovery and thriving beyond your illness.
Important topics like:
· Will I live?
· Will I ever be “normal”?
· Will I have a catheter or be incontinent forever?
· Is erectile dysfunction going to be my new normal?
· Will my wife leave me?
· Now that I “lost” my manhood, what do I do?
My expertise in trauma and healing (as well as my personal experience navigating the disease), drove me to create this special community. It’s a safe space to ask questions, have conversation with people who understand, and be a part of someone else’s healing as well.
We invite you to join us, Michael Avery, an 11 year stage 4 Prostate Cancer warrior and friend ot 30+ years and myself.
There’s a role here for everyone—for those who need help on their recovery journey to those who have been healed and want to share their experiences, to family members and spouses who long to share the emotions behind this diagnosis.
Be it Prostate Cancer or any other “Crushing” life event.
We can help. You can help.
“As you do anything, so do you everything”.
Together we can transform from being a survivor to a thriver.